"United City Warrior Society"

Native American / First Nation

History Page






Diese Homepage dient zur Information und Aufklärung und soll zum Nachdenken anregen. 500 Jahre Unrecht sind genug. Es wird Zeit das die amerikanischen Ureinwohner zu ihrem Recht kommen.


 Hau Kola




This website serves to inform and educate and is thought-provoking. 500 years are wrong enough. It is time that the Native Americans have their rights.


the eagles bed by Native American Indian on Grooveshark
Native American / First Nation History Page "Austria"
Native American / First Nation History Page "Austria"

We support the American Indian Movement"

Christian Hauser, Founder & President United City Warrior Society
Christian Hauser, Founder & President United City Warrior Society
Diese Seite ist der amerikanischen Urbevölkerung gewidmet. In großem Respekt vor ihrer Kultur und in Ehrfurcht vor dem Leid, was sie erfuhren, möchte ich meinen Teil dazu beitragen, dass sie niemals vergessen werden auf dieser Welt.

Ich dulde hier keine selbsternannten Medizinmänner oder Indianerkopierer. Meine Beiträge sind von mir sorgfältig recherchiert und dienen ausschließlich der Information. Der Respekt vor der Kultur und den Ritualen der Native American People steht im Vordergrund.

Obwohl ich mich hier hauptsächlich mit den Ureinwohnern Nordamerikas auseinandersetze, möchte ich festhalten, dass mir selbstverständlich bewußt ist das den Ureinwohnern Südamerikas und Canadas genauso Unrecht geschehen ist und noch immer geschieht.
Ich möchte die Native Americans hier nur als Beispiel für 500 Jahre Unrecht auf dem ganzen Koninent anführen.
Du möchtest uns ünterstützen als Member oder Supporter?
Schicke mir eine Nachricht.
This page is dedicated to the Native Americans  . With great respect for their culture and in awe of the suffering, what they learned, I want to do my part, that they'll never forget in this world.

I suffer here no self-proclaimed medicine men or Indians copier. My posts are of my carefully researched and are for information only. Of respect for the culture and rituals of the Native American People in the foreground.

Although I am here primarily grappling with the Native Americans, I would hold that to me is of course aware that the natives of South America and Canada just been wronged and is still happening.
I would just mention the Native Americans as an example for 500 years on the wrong continent.
You want to support us as a member or supporter?
Leave me a message.

Welcome on the United City Warrior Society's

USA Page

Mail: ucwsusa@hotmail.com

Vice President und Leader Group USA

 "War Chief Raven" Andrew Borst


Bohzo n'nikanek kagakshi Obwandiyag aniishnabe ndeshnekas aniishnabek nswe shkweden ndaw niganze...t ogitchidaw.......

Hello my friends my native name is Raven Pontiac im 3 fires native leader of warriors.....

I am the 8th generation grandson of Chief Pontiac/Obwandiyag. I am also the founder n leader of Obwandiyag Pokagonek Ogitchidaw...

please feel free to invite friends this is the usa page for international cooperation n unity in all matters of indigenous people animals earth n our relations between the people of 4 directions...in unity one people one love one earth world peace.

Chi miigwetch
Niganzet Kagakshi--Many thanks Leader Raven


 Mission statement Some time in the future, the Indians said, the animals would begin to disappear. People would no longer see the wolf, or the bear, or the eagles. And, the story goes, the giant trees would also disappear. And people would fight with each other and not love each other. And, the story goes, the beautiful rainbow in the sky would fade away, and people would not see the rainbow anymore.Well, children would come. And these children would love the animals, and they would bring back the animals. They would love trees, and they would bring back the giant trees. And these children would love other people and they would help people to live in peace with, each other. And these children would love the rainbow, and they would bring back the beautiful rainbow in the sky. For this reason the Indians called these children the rainbow warriors. Now let me ask you a question. Do you love animals or hate animals? (We love animals.) Do you love trees or hate trees? (We love trees.) Do you love people or hate people? (We love people.) Do you love the rainbow or hate the rainbow? (We love the rainbow.) Well, if you love animals and trees, people and rainbows, then maybe you are the rainbow warriors and that is a statue of you.


Yellowstone is planning a Bison slaughter,killing 800-900 Bison. Please call,fax,or e-mail them and let them know that the people do NOT want them slaughtering our last American Bison. Yellowstone National Park PO Box 168 Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190-0168 By E-mail:yell_visitor_services@nps.gov (yell_visitor_services@nps.gov) By Phone 307-344-7381 (recorded information and an option to speak with someone) you can also make contact with these guys at www.nps.gov/yell. There is also this address: Yellowstone Media ~ P.O.Box 501 ~ West Yellowstone, MT 59758 Information for the Hearing Impaired TDD is a telecommunications device for the deaf and requires an electronic device for text communication via a phone line at 307-344-2386. By Fax 307-344-2014 If you want to help out beyond this event u can contact: Buffalo Field Campaign PO Box 957 West Yellowstone, MT 59758 1-406-646-0070 fax: 1-406-646-0071 buffalo"at"wildrockies.org


COMMENT FOR THE ABOVE FROM ANOTHER WARRIOR..... I suggest that if they hang up or disconnect you, then E.mail and call the Dept. of Interior and the National Parks division.... This is pure sickening and in my opinion, this is cultural Genocide and Violation of my/our Dakota/Lakota/Nakota Inherent Spiritual Rights!

here is a fb i run....for my warrior society.....if you dont minding it being on your site.....https://www.facebook.com/ObwandiyagPokagonekOgitchidaw

another page i run on fb....this one is called boycott snake river canyon jumps.....this link is to the fb page it has more info on it there...https://www.facebook.com/pages/Boycott-Dueling-daredevils-plan-Snake-River-jumps/652270638167688

HERE ARE 2 SITES FOR INDIAN COUNTRY NEWS.....THESE ARE HOW I KEEP UP WITH ISSUES OTHER THAN THOSE IN MY IMMEDIATE AREA.....http://www.nativenewsonline.net............http://ictmn.com....